Is it possible to totally disable the audio equalizer?

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New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 20 Feb 2017 17:42

Is it possible to totally disable the audio equalizer?

Postby HypnoToad » 20 Feb 2017 17:51

Is there a way to totally disable the EQ on the latest version (2.6)?

"Flat" isn't flat as it boosts the volume by +10DB making things far to loud for me.

It would be OK if it remembered the 0Db pre-amp when you adjust it, but it doesn't. When I choose a new playlist or album, BOOM! "Flat" comes back with it's +10Db volume boost! :shock:

If there isn't a way to turn off EQ, is there a way I can get my device to roll back to v2.4 which is the latest version without EQ? I'm running iOs 7


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