download bug?

*nix specific usage questions

download bug?

Postby onegoodmove » 04 Nov 2005 07:18

I host a site with numerous videos. I have a couple of visitors that use VLC and they are reporting a problem. Here is an excerpt from a recent email I received
I have an issue with the quicktime linkage that you use.
When I use Linux, which is most often, I use the mplayer mozilla
plugin. Mplayer is basically the only (read as best) player that can
handle win32 type codecs plus the real player and quicktime player
codecs in Linux.

When I visit your site every quicktime link
automatically begins to download without the need to click on the
If there is anyone here who can diagnose the problem for me I would certainly appreciate it.

Here is a sample of the code I use for the videos

Code: Select all

<br /> <OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" CODEBASE="" HEIGHT=256 WIDTH=320 > <PARAM NAME="src" VALUE=""<PARAM NAME="CONTROLLER" VALUE="False" > <PARAM NAME="AutoPlay" VALUE="False" > <PARAM NAME="Loop" VALUE="False" > <PARAM NAME="HREF" VALUE="" > <PARAM NAME="TARGET" VALUE="myself" > <EMBED SRC="" HEIGHT=256 WIDTH=320 TYPE="video/quicktime" PLUGINSPAGE="" CONTROLLER="False" AUTOPLAY="False" LOOP="False" HREF="" TARGET="myself" /> </OBJECT> <br /><br /> <span style="color:red">Click on the picture to play the video </span><br /> Quicktime Video MB <br />

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