Android TV: Play video file from smb share with VLC

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Android TV: Play video file from smb share with VLC

Postby pjaaar » 23 Nov 2016 09:07

Hello everyone

I apologize in advance, I post here because the topics under development do not really mention Android TV ... I also posted in

I would like to send an Intent to VLC to play a video from a smb share. With this code I got an ActivityNotFoundException

Code: Select all

Intent i = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_VIEW); i.setData(Uri.parse(pPath)); App.GetContext().Activity.startActivity(i);
With this code, from, I'm able to launch VLC, I can see the VLC controls, the video title, but apparently the video has no length or something else but I'm not able to play the video file.

Code: Select all

Uri path = Uri.parse(pPath); Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); i.setComponent(new ComponentName("org.videolan.vlc", "")); i.setData(path); App.GetContext().Activity.startActivity(i);
If I play the video file, from the VLC browser directly, still from the smb share, I can play it obviously AND the path is strictly the same (smb://my_share/.../video.mkv)

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Android TV: Play video file from smb share with VLC

Postby WinfridT » 05 Dec 2016 09:40

Did you try to install ES File Explorer ?
You are able to mount your windows files systems in android TV
If you select a video file you are offered to play your video
with the ES Media Player, Video and vlc.

But ...
If you connect an USB-device to your TV, ES tries to mount this device -
this maybe sometimes much better than the solution provided by the manufacture of your TV.
There is just a problem with pictures -
you can only view your pictures with the ES Image Viewer, and the ES Image Viewer does not care about the EXIF information of your pictures.

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