Can I use VLC to play my video files WD on MyCloud - Apple TV?

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Can I use VLC to play my video files WD on MyCloud - Apple TV?

Postby EpicGod02 » 13 Jun 2016 14:59

I am currently using a WDTV Live to connect to my 3TB MyCloud. I was thinking about switching to
the Apple TV 4th Generation.

Would I be able to successfully connect to the MyCloud using Apple TV? (Basically playing all of my media files MKV's, MP4's AVI's etc) Is it possible to hardwire using a cat6 cable from the AppleTV into mycloud - playing the videos without any hiccups/lagging?

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Re: Can I use VLC to play my video files WD on MyCloud - Apple TV?

Postby fkuehne » 14 Jun 2016 11:36

All of that should work, yes :)
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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Re: Can I use VLC to play my video files WD on MyCloud - Apple TV?

Postby EpicGod02 » 16 Jun 2016 01:34

Everyone else on the web says it can't be done but you're the only one who says yes. Can you explain to me how? -Please-

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Re: Can I use VLC to play my video files WD on MyCloud - Apple TV?

Postby fkuehne » 17 Jun 2016 17:50

So i just rechecked with the device we got here at the office. The box offers 2 different ways to access store media on the local network: UPnP and SMB. With UPnP, playback as is fine but there VLC sometimes plays the wrong file. For SMB, all is good. Playback is smooth and you see exactly the file you selected.

References to the reports you mentioned would be appreciated, so I can check them out.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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Re: Can I use VLC to play my video files WD on MyCloud - Apple TV?

Postby summit48 » 18 Jun 2016 14:51


Are you sure VLC for tvOS can play all the file types the WD TV is able to?

Can VLC for tvOS play DVD and Blu-ray ISO files?

1 Connect the 3TB MyCloud, WD TV Live and Apple TV 4 via Ethernet to a Modem/Router. If you want wireless streaming to mobility devices(iphones/ipads/MacBooks) then the Modem/Router should also supports 2.4G/5G Wireless.

2 Currently I have a 3TB HDD USB connected to my WD TV Live. The reason is that 80% of viewing is done on TV connected to the WD TV Live. Given the WD TV Live media player supports Windows (SMB/CIFS), Mac (AFP), and Linux (NFS) network shares I am able to stream files from the WD TV USB connected 3TB HDD to Android, iOS, OS X & W7 devices. However there are some issues with SMB on W10 and OS X 10.11.5.

I don't have an Apple TV 4, but it should be possible to stream from the MyCloud and WD TV Live to the Apple TV 4.

I would take the view that the WD TV's strength is playing local content stored on my HDD, but limited third-party app support. While the Apple TV's strength is the large range of external content and the large range of third-party App support. Hence I would still need both boxes, unless proven otherwise.

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Re: Can I use VLC to play my video files WD on MyCloud - Apple TV?

Postby fkuehne » 20 Jun 2016 11:32

No, VLC cannot play any ISO files on Apple TV or iOS due to licensing restrictions. All other file types generally supported by VLC are supported on Apple TV, also when reading from remote shares such as WD TV. Just ISO are not.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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Re: Can I use VLC to play my video files WD on MyCloud - Apple TV?

Postby icecarpediem » 21 Jun 2016 19:08

Hi all,

I've been getting conflicting answers from various places including Apple support.

Can I install VLC on the 4th Gen Apple TV, then access my videos, pictures and music on my WD myBook NAS WITHOUT having my computer/iTunes running. My NAS supports SMB.

Many thanks.


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Re: Can I use VLC to play my video files WD on MyCloud - Apple TV?

Postby fkuehne » 21 Jun 2016 20:04

Yes, of course. All you need is to have the Apple TV and the NAS connected to the same network, be it wired or WiFi or a mix of both. That's all.

Note that VLC for Apple TV does not allow you to show pictures though. It only plays videos and music. Regarding music, there is currently no shuffle mode. Just "single repeat" and "repeat all".
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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Re: Can I use VLC to play my video files WD on MyCloud - Apple TV?

Postby icecarpediem » 21 Jun 2016 20:19


So it will work even if my computer is turned off or if it's on but iTunes is not open?

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Re: Can I use VLC to play my video files WD on MyCloud - Apple TV?

Postby fkuehne » 21 Jun 2016 20:23

As long as your media is not stored on your computer but just on the NAS, it does not need to be running.

You can think of the Apple TV as a small computer. Just like you don't need it to connect from your computer to your NAS, you don't need your computer to have the Apple TV do it.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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