iPad / iPhone & sync movies

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iPad / iPhone & sync movies

Postby elpossito » 19 May 2016 16:50

Hi everyone,

I'm very new into VLC & iOS.
A friend asked me to help him. Of course I thought it would be easy... well I was wrong.
I read some threads, made some searches on the web but I can't find a solution.

So :
- There's an iPad with some movies in. My friend has an iCloud (200GB) and a DropBox (1TB) account
- On VLC in this iPad there are about 10 more movies.
- He has an iPhone too and would like to sync (or transfer at least) the iPad movies to the phone.
- I logged in the iCloud Drive and DropBox in both VLC and I hoped that I could sync or retrieve the movies from the iPad.

But of course I wasn't able to do it. But I don't understand why.
I tried to connect the iPhone to his MacBook (with a wire), opened iTunes (last update) and try to follow the VLC Sync Tutorial. But I never found the "Application" tab with VLC in this iPhone.
I tried to click on the iPad movies in VLC to select them and share them on DropBox or iCloud, but there was no option in the share menu for this.

I'm a little bit lost and I don't really know how I can do this manipulation. It seems very complex for quite a simple task... I probably missed 1 little step.

Can someone help me?


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