Set Cache Size for VLCKIT in iOS

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Set Cache Size for VLCKIT in iOS

Postby AlexKoren » 02 May 2016 21:02

Hey VideoLan,
I'm working on an iOS app that streams audio in realtime (must be synced with video that's playing on a separate screen, i.e. TV).

I'm currently using RTP to stream the audio content and I'm receiving it, but there's a noticeable lag time in addition to some general choppiness.

Does anyone have an idea of flags I can set on a VLCMediaPlayer object that will reduce the cache size (it seems to be around 2-3 seconds right now).

My code:

Code: Select all

_vlcPlayer = [[VLCMediaPlayer alloc]initWithOptions:@[]]; //This is probably where some flag or option goes that I need _vlcPlayer.delegate = self; = [VLCMedia mediaWithURL:someRTPAudioUrl]; [_vlcPlayer play];
Any and all help would be appreciated! Thanks!

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