I started working on an iOS application that uses VLCKit to display the RTSP stream from IP-cameras.
First I tried to get the simpleplayback example working with cocoa pods. This worked out quite well and I got it running without too much effort. After this I tried integrating this example into my existing application, which resulted into 78 times "Undefined symbols for architecture i386", saying things like:
I soon found out that the simpleplayback example has the same problem when the Deployment target is increased from 6.1 to 7.0 or higher. Dropping the deployment target from 8.0 to 6.1 on my own application also seemed to get it running. This is all fine for now, but the application I'm building will eventually need to have deployment target 8.0.std::basic_string<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t>, std::allocator<wchar_t> >::find(wchar_t const*, unsigned long, unsigned long) const", referenced from:
TagLib::String::find(TagLib::String const&, int) const in MobileVLCKit(tstring.cpp.o)
TagLib::String::split(TagLib::String const&) const in MobileVLCKit(tstring.cpp.o)
Does anybody know what the problem is? I tried changing things like the linker flags, but didn't find the problem yet. I'm having the idea it's extremely simple, but I just don't see the problem.
Other linker flags:
Thank you in advance!$(inherited) -ObjC -l"bz2" -l"iconv" -l"stdc++" -l"xml2" -l"z" -framework "AVFoundation" -framework "AudioToolbox" -framework "CFNetwork" -framework "CoreGraphics" -framework "CoreText" -framework "MediaPlayer" -framework "MessageUI" -framework "MobileVLCKit" -framework "OpenGLES" -framework "QuartzCore" -framework "Security"