Hi, thanks for your answer. I was trying to gather some logs to add as evidence to my question. Without involving our own application (to take it out of the equation) I put in the re-streaming parameters into VLC:
Code: Select all
:sout=#std{access=http,mux=ts,dst=:8555/test1} :sout-keep
Transcoding this stream in standalone VLC just causes CPU to go to 100% and nothing meaningful is served. The VLC that is set up to stream keeps printing:
Code: Select all
[00007fe17c02c558] core video output warning: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 1472 ms)
[00007fe17c02c558] core video output warning: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 1507 ms)
[00007fe17c02c558] core video output warning: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 1465 ms)
[00007fe17c02c558] core video output warning: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 1499 ms)
[00007fe17800c2e8] avcodec decoder error: more than 5 seconds of late video -> dropping frame (computer too slow ?)
[00007fe17800c2e8] avcodec decoder error: more than 5 seconds of late video -> dropping frame (computer too slow ?)
Trying to play back the served stream just yields:
Code: Select all
[00007f72a8c03e18] ts demux error: libdvbpsi (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 2, expected 10) for PID 0
[00007f72a8c03e18] ts demux error: libdvbpsi (PSI decoder): TS discontinuity (received 2, expected 10) for PID 66
Trying to play back the input stream yields the same errors like the VLC set up to stream it.
Code: Select all
[00007fcf3c02a188] core video output warning: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 1463 ms)
[00007fcf3c02a188] core video output warning: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 984 ms)
[00007fcf3c02a188] core video output warning: picture is too late to be displayed (missing 1458 ms)
[00007fcf4000c368] avcodec decoder error: more than 5 seconds of late video -> dropping frame (computer too slow ?)
This is what ffplay says about the input stream (and is able to play it):
Code: Select all
Input #0, rtsp, from 'rtsp://login:password@':
title : NVT
comment : From NVT
Duration: N/A, start: 2.999978, bitrate: N/A
Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (Constrained Baseline), yuvj420p(pc), 640x360 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 2 fps, 25 tbr, 90k tbn, 4 tbc
Stream #0:1: Data: none
Not sure where I saw the 10fps, but definitely there is a problem when trying to re-stream this low-fps input stream. Sorry for the confusing initial description. I have full (-vvv) logs available if you wish to see them.
Thanks in advance for your answer,