vlm i_instance parameter not needed

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vlm i_instance parameter not needed

Postby postelrich » 27 Jan 2016 03:15

All of the vlm_get_media_instance_XXX functions require both a psz_name and i_instance as parameters. When using vlm for a broadcast or vod, you can play, stop, pause, and change the media with just the psz_name. But to get position, you also need the i_instance (instance id) which can't be gotten from anywhere since all the vlm functions mainly return 0 or -1. I'm coming from the python bindings but I tried looking at the libvlc code and it looks like psz_name isn't even really necessary and it uses i_instance to look it up. The docstring is kind of vague, seems like it could be a bug, at least from the python side. Can anyone elaborate on how to use this?

Reference to the issue I raised: https://github.com/oaubert/python-vlc/issues/9

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