Subtitles Apple TV 4, Iphone and Ipad

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Subtitles Apple TV 4, Iphone and Ipad

Postby faelreis » 24 Jan 2016 16:02

I have the .srt files with the same name in the same folder of the video but they don´t appear when I play the movie, both on iPhone and on Apple TV 4. I am streaming the movies from my router (with usb connection). Any help ?

Thanks a lot !!

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Re: Subtitles Apple TV 4, Iphone and Ipad

Postby fkuehne » 25 Jan 2016 09:06

Assuming that you are trying to access those files via the SMB protocol, this is regrettably a known limitation. We hope to improve this in subsequent releases.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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