Vlc doesn't remember my default aspect ratio

macOS specific usage questions
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Vlc doesn't remember my default aspect ratio

Postby jeffarkun » 15 Jan 2016 21:50


I did some search on this topic and tried almost everything I can find about this aspect ratio problem.

The problem I am having is...
I am changing the aspect ratio to 16:10, did try with lock aspect ratio checked and uncheck as well.
I am using OsX El capitan. My screen resolution is set to 1680x1050, So I guess this is 16:9 not sure.
But when I open a video and try to watch it on full screen there is a black bar both top and under the video, which I assume it is because of this aspect ratio thingy.
Then I click video prom the tool bar and change the aspect ratio of the movie to 16:10, it enlarges and makes the video slightly taller(people look a bit longer/taller but I am okey with that). So everything looks fine up to this point but when I quit VLC and reopen the same video it just goes back to 16:9 aspect ratio.

So is there a way to make this 16:10 aspect ratio as default setting for VLC player, or am I simply doing something wrong.

Thank you and have a great day/night.

Jeff Arkun

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Re: Vlc doesn't remember my default aspect ratio

Postby dfuhrmann » 16 Jan 2016 11:49

Why do you actually want to display videos always in wrong aspect ratio?

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Vlc doesn't remember my default aspect ratio

Postby leonicholson » 22 Jan 2016 19:50

On Android phone for a child, I would like to be able lock the aspect ratio to 16x9 for cartoons, even if it is a little distorted.

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Joined: 02 Jul 2012 11:09

Re: Vlc doesn't remember my default aspect ratio

Postby dfuhrmann » 23 Jan 2016 08:28

I think this is not supported.

VLC usually figures out the right aspect ratio for itself, and I recommend not knowingly using a wrong aspect ratio.

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