How to attach video window?

About usage, announcement and development of skins for VLC

How to attach video window?

Postby tristanthorn69 » 08 Oct 2005 18:11

How do you attach the video window to the slide bar in skins2 mode?

In WXwindows mode, the (default) mode exists in the preferences section, but not for skins2 mode. VLC is a great player, but the progress bar annoys me in the WXwindows mode. This problem is fixed using the skins2 interface, but most of the skins have seperate control panels, which can be annoying if you want fast control access in full screen mode.

Ideally, what i want is a skins2 version of the WXwindow interface; ie a slide bar attached, at the bottom when in full screen mode. Is this possible?

Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
Posts: 695
Joined: 23 Nov 2003 01:49

Postby ipkiss » 08 Oct 2005 22:45

If you want the video window to be attached to the main window, it is possible, but it depends on the skins. For example, with the Chaos skin or the Winamp5 skin, the video will always be alone, while with the Windows Media Player or the Vplayer skins.
Of course, nothing prevents you to adapt one of the existing skins to suit your needs, or to create your own one.

Another option is to use "anchors" in the skin, so that the video window is "snapped" to the main window, but keeping the possibility to dissociate them.

So, to summarize, you can either use an existing skin that "embeds" the wideo window in the main window, or create/modify a skin to suit your needs.

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