How to start a video with start time as 00 : 00

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How to start a video with start time as 00 : 00

Postby arun__007 » 07 Dec 2015 20:30


I am working on a project on birds where in i have 3 videos. The observations of the videos are recorded in excel with start time and End Time for each activity done by the birds. The video in question used to play from 00 : 00 and go on till the end. But suddenly today, it has been displaying the start time as 49 : 03 on the left of the progress bar even though the video still starts from the where it should be starting from. Surprizingly when I place the cursor on the progress bar, it says 00 : 00 and keeps counting from there but the display just on the left of the cursor starts from 49 : 03.Can anyone help me on getting it displayed from 00 : 00 ?

Arun Raghavan

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