Audio Filters are not applied at the first time they enabled

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Audio Filters are not applied at the first time they enabled

Postby mjalil » 18 Aug 2015 16:47


It seems that VLC does not apply audio filters the first time they are enabled. I've tested it this way:
  1. start a vlc player with no filters applied
  2. before playing any video, go to Tools > Preferences. in "Show Settings" at the bottom-left of the preferences window select
    "all" to switch to "Advanced Preferences". Then in Audio > Filters select an audio effect e.g Sound Delay or whatever effect you want.
    Finally Click on Save
  3. Play a video. It will be played without any audio effect. If you select "Video > Filters" in advanced preferences and then play a video, video effects will be applied
  4. Close VLC and Reopen it. Then play a video. all selected effects in previous run will be applied
The same problem will occur if you start VLC with audio effects applied and want to disable theme. the effects will not be disabled until you restart the VLC .it seems audio effects enabling or disabling will be applied after an application restart
Is this a bug? or a design decision ?

The story began when I was developing a C# app that uses P/Invoke to embed libvlc as an embedded player library. playback is OK. but when I put the audio bar graph stuff in libvlc_new() call, I saw the "Audio part of the BarGraph function did not applied. I checked other audio effects and found that non of other audio effects applied at the first time.

my C# P/Invoke:

Code: Select all

[DllImport("libvlc")] public static extern IntPtr libvlc_new( int argc, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string[] argv);
my Initialization Call:

Code: Select all

string[] initOptions = { "--audiobargraph_v-transparency=128", "--audiobargraph_v-position=10", "--audiobargraph_a-bargraph_repetition=1", "--sub-source=audiobargraph_v", "--audio-filter=audiobargraph_a", "--file-logging", "--verbose=2", "--video-filter=motionblur:sepia", // Just to show that video effects work but audio effects does not "--blur-factor=100", "--sepia-intensity=200", }; // init libvlc IntPtr vlcHandle = libvlc_new(initOptions.Length, initOptions); // ... set media and play
I've tested this on windows 8.1 x64 with VLC 2.2.1 x64 and VLC 2.1.3 x86, windows 7 x64 with VLC 2.1.3, Ubuntu 14.04 x64 with VLC 2.1.6 and two PCs.
To me, it seems not a software conflict or driver problem
Last edited by mjalil on 19 Aug 2015 12:29, edited 1 time in total.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
Posts: 15337
Joined: 07 Jun 2004 16:01
VLC version: master
Operating System: Linux

Re: Audio Filters are not applied at the first time they enabled

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 19 Aug 2015 16:32

This is intended behaviour of the preference panel. If you want to apply effects immediately, you can use the dedicated UI dialog.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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