RMTP Streaming within VLC player

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RMTP Streaming within VLC player

Postby greektv » 23 Oct 2014 01:59


I'm looking for a solution to play the following RMTP stream within VLC player. Can anyone help? I enjoy the software and I will gladly give a donation to anyone who can help and the VideoLAN organization.

I used the program URL Helper to capture the stream info from a Greek TV website elladatv.gr

rtmp://fml.68FC.edgecastcdn.net/2068FC<playpath>elladatv?934764968a353f33571588865f81c449b411aa2370af2a848529917f4563b1a5b992e6f6e35f11 <swfUrl>http://www.elladatv.gr/scripts/player.swf <pageUrl>http://www.elladatv.gr/

Can anyone help me with the correct URL to enter into VLC? For a family member, I would like to have the URL to be browser capable with auto-refresh in Chrome.

Any insights are greatly appreciated and I will be happy to cover your time and contribute to VideoLAN.

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