Regrading Transcoder Issue

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Regrading Transcoder Issue

Postby senthilitf » 30 Sep 2014 20:22

Dear Support,

I would need a great favor from you to help me to come out of my problem. I am running 20+ online radio websites and having issues with streaming some of the stream URLs. Your help in this regard is greatly appreciated and as a token of gratitude, I am ready contribute you by donating a favorable amout to your website. I tried to explain my current transcoder setup and issues as much as possible though please let me know, if you need any specific information to look into my issue.

Online radio websites plays online radio streams from different radio stations. I am using Jplayer to play the online radios in my website. I used to test the streams with VLC player before I add them in the site. In addition with Jplayer, I am using my own transcoder to encode the streams and convert them to Mp3 format to load in Jplayer.

This is how the radio site works,

1. Visitor get into my radio station page
2. A request is sent to the transcoder to encode the stream URL of the radio station. I installed my transcoder in a dedicated server which will respond to all streams that are coming from different radio sites
3. Most of the radio streams are working as my transcoder can encode them into mp3

We have used transcoder player to play online radio stream audios. We have played lot of live stream audios using this transcoder. Some live stream audios works fine in VLC Player but it is not working in my transcoder player. We have used below code to play live stream audios,

new channel5385 broadcast enabled
setup channel5385 input ""
setup channel5385 output "#transcode{vcodec=none,acodec=mp3,ab=128}: standard{access=http{mime=audio/mpeg},mux=raw,dst=:8081/5385}"

All RTSP live stream audios have some problem using above code,

For Example Please find below for Sample live stream RTSP URL's,


These above URL's works fine in VLC Player but it is not working fine in transcoder player. Please provide some valuable solution for above mentioned issue.

Please see below for Software requirements to setup transcoder




udftools libudf-dev

gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg libvisual-0.4-plugins gnome-codec-install gstreamer0.10-tools gstreamer0.10-plugins-base

Please review my setup and advise, if there is any other best alternate solution to setup transcoder that would make all stream play in different devices ranging from desktop, mobile, tablets. I am looking forward your reply on this. Thanks,

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Regrading Transcoder Issue

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 02 Jan 2015 16:56

Did you try icecast for streaming radios?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
VLC media player developer, VideoLAN President and Sites administrator
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