I need for a C # programme the VLC-Plugin which can be also integrated easily into the form.
Unfortunately, I receive with the construction of the programme the following 2 warnings from Visual Studio:
Warning 1 Processing COM reference "AXVLC" from path "D:\Programme\VLC\axvlc.dll". The Typbibliothekimporter has found a double type name: "AXVLC.VLCPlaylistMode. Player"
Warning 2 Processing COM reference "AXVLC" from path "D:\Programme\VLC\axvlc.dll". The type "VLCPlaylistMode" is invalid and can be possibly converted only partially. Player"
The programme can be also begun, only no sound issue occurs.
I work with Visual studio Ultimate in 2013 on Windows 7, x64 system and use the VLC player 2.1.4
Maybe somebody had the same problem and can help me.