Using Google Drive feature with VLC 2.3

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Using Google Drive feature with VLC 2.3

Postby brockhill » 16 Jun 2014 14:03

This is more of a gripe/rant than a question from a new user.

I am using version 2.3 on my Ipad and I have got links to both Dropbox and Google Drive activated.

My issue is that when I am in DB I can see my whole folder structure and drill down to the particular file I want to view, on the G-Drive interface, however, all I can see is a list of all the video files I have in G-Drive set up in chronological order (most recent first). Annoyingly this also includes any video that is in the Trash folder!

So my question is why can't we view the folder structure in G-Drive like you can in DB?

I am sure there is a good explanation for this but for the time being it makes finding a particular file in G-Drive almost impossible unless the file was added to G-drive recently.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Using Google Drive feature with VLC 2.3

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 08 Jul 2014 02:29

Because the GDrive SDK is more limited than DropBox.

We should improve this.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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