Intro Skipper broken? (or how to skip beginning of vids?)

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Intro Skipper broken? (or how to skip beginning of vids?)

Postby arithine » 21 May 2014 03:28

I am trying to get Intro and Credits Skipper to work but when i select the option in view the dialogue box doesn't pop up.

Really I just want to set a certain start time for the videos in my playlist. (Yes I have tried using a shortcut with --start-time but that seems to override the "Progress: Auto-Restore" extension)

Big Cone-huna
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Re: Intro Skipper broken? (or how to skip beginning of vids?

Postby mederi » 21 May 2014 12:43

Intro and Credits Skipper works in VLC-2.0. I work on modification of Sampler that will work as a playlist generator (start-time, stop-time options for all playlist tracks). Perhaps it is possible to modify the Progress extension.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Intro Skipper broken? (or how to skip beginning of vids?

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 21 May 2014 18:19

Does it work in 2.2.0 ?
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Big Cone-huna
Big Cone-huna
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Re: Intro Skipper broken? (or how to skip beginning of vids?

Postby mederi » 22 May 2014 01:20

Tested with VLC-2.1.3 and vlc-2.2.0-git-20140521-0019-win32.7z on Windows XP.
It is not possible to activate the Skipper if VLC is playing anything because of the add_callback() not supported by VLC-2.1+.
But if VLC does not play a media at the time of activating of extension, the dialog box appears and it is really able to skip the beginning (intro) but not the end (credits). It runs with warnings in the messages and has the half of intended functionality. ID-s of playlist items have been changed in VLC-2.1+, so the "Ignore first episode" is applied on the second episode (playlist track).

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