Lubuntu + VLC, Changing Channels Help Needed

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Lubuntu + VLC, Changing Channels Help Needed

Postby drozek » 06 May 2014 15:59

Hi Everyone, I am working on a project for work and trying to figure out some.

I am currently using a USB Tuner 950Q, everything works, I am able to scan for channels, using the w_scan command.

The issue I am running into is that whenever I change a channel , using the keyboard "n" it flashes the desktop.

I am currently running the following command to start the stream:
cvlc --video-on-top --fullscreen channels.xspf

You can see in this video, I just uploaded at the 7 second mark it will flash the OS:

I would prefer it to play the next channel, or even blank out the screen.

Any help would be greatly appreciated .

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Lubuntu + VLC, Changing Channels Help Needed

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 07 May 2014 15:02

Try to force the OpenGL output.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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