How do I create a playlist in Windows 8?

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How do I create a playlist in Windows 8?

Postby Letoatreides3508 » 31 Mar 2014 08:02

I just downloaded the windows 8 vlc app and I can't find any option to create a video playlist (unlike previous versions which weren't made for Windows 8 and therefore not a colossal pain in the ass to use). Where is the playlist option? Or an option to use VLC via desktop with the old interface. Please help.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: How do I create a playlist in Windows 8?

Postby Opa114 » 12 May 2014 22:53

i want this to know, too. Don't find any option there. I think actually there's no option for creating playlists. Hope this will come in a future version (for audio and video, too).

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