I'm on a Mac capturing a bunch of HDV video out of the HDR-FX1 and cursing Sony's extreme compromises to keep the fragile mini-DV tape format as well as all of Sony's other compromises they do just because they hate their customers.
I capture my stuff in FCP5 as native HDV not HDV via the intermediate codec. I wish there were another way to open preview and inspect these DV clips besides QuickTime & Final Cut. Both are giving me a lot of lip because my LCD is "only" 20 inches, and not quite able to show or do pixel for pixel display of the 1080i content.
I whip out VLC 0.8.2 for osx but it can’t open these files or at least the video portion. It says
"main: no suitable decoder module for fourcc `hdv2'.
VLC probably does not support this sound or video format."
Is there a way to tell VLC to try to treat this as MPEG2 (that it is just an extremely large MPEG2 picture)? VLC gets that the audio is Mpeg layer2 and decodes that OK.
Does any developer need a CD with a few HDV captures on it to test? Natively they are no larger data wise than DV.