I've been using ios vlc with the Serviio DLNA server with fairly good results. However, it takes some random amount of time up to about 5 minutes after starting vlc to locate the servers on my network. Is there any way to speed this up? By contrast, the Mac/window versions locate the servers quickly, but instead take a very, very long time before you can open the contents. I assume they are loading caching the full depth of the directory listing before they let you go on even though the top level just has three item to display. But, the ios version seems to be loading on demand so it may be some other issue.
If serviio is running on the same LAN, all you should have to do in vlc is touch the 'local network' button and wait (and wait, sometimes several minutes) and the serviio icon should show up and when you touch that, you can navigate its contents. Do you have other clients working with serviio - or are you getting that far but not able to play the content?
[edit] A couple of other things: serviio doesn't have a profile to match ios vlc. For the moment I have transcoding turned off completely - the content it is serving is mostly compatible anyway, but I did notice that having an mp4 with DTS audio caused a problem with vlc when it hit that entry listing the folder directory.
Now I'm confused too - your link showed a windows version of vlc, but I have been talking about the ios/ipad version. However it shouldn't matter. When you touch/click "local network" serviio should just show up (on either version) and then you should be able to navigate the content just like on the tv. You may have trouble playing the content without a proper profile for serviio, but it sounds like you haven't gotten that far yet. The ipad version can be very slow at displaying the server icon but navigates quickly once the server is located. The windows version shows the server quickly but if you have a large number of shared files it can take a very long time for it to display the folders to navigate.
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