Interactive zoom auto reset

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Interactive zoom auto reset

Postby antarek » 09 Dec 2013 22:53


Before the Interactive zoom was keeping in memory the position of the zoom during a video loop. But now the Interactive zoom is reseted to its default size and poition at the top right corner of the screen everytime that the video restarts.

How to change it back to the way it was before so it could keep in memory its settings and not being reseted at the end of the video.


Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Interactive zoom auto reset

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 12 Dec 2013 00:24

Is the filter re-created?
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Re: Interactive zoom auto reset

Postby antarek » 12 Dec 2013 20:56

What do you mean by "re-created" exactly ?

In fact, as explained, the zoom window was reseted to its default location and size (a small window at top left corner of the screen) at the end of a video loop.

Anyway, i unistalled VLC and insatlled a previous version of the software and it solved the issue. Then i updated this old version to the current version and it seems to be working so far.

Thanks :)

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Re: Interactive zoom auto reset

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 12 Dec 2013 21:57

Keeping old versions is not a solution...
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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Re: Interactive zoom auto reset

Postby antarek » 13 Dec 2013 19:06

I haven't. I just used an old version of VLC after uninstalling it. And then, after noticing that my problem was solved after installing the old version, i updated it to its current release.

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Re: Interactive zoom auto reset

Postby profound » 25 Dec 2013 21:03

I'm having the same problem, but installing an older version and then going to the new one didn't fix it!! What am I doing wrong? It's just SO ANNOYING that every time the video loops the zoom resets to the top left corner instead of whatever I had it at. Why did they change this? I have searched up and down the settings for some sort of interactive zoom setting changer, but no. I wish you could change the default zoom location and size too.

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