if now read through the related posts regarding remote control of VLC via TCP/IP but I didn't get any further with my issue: As part of a research project, I would like to send a "play" command over TCP/IP using E-Prime (research software for stimulus presentation), which is based on a derivate of Visual Basic. The Software can send Strings over TCP-Sockets and I use the following code:
Code: Select all
'define socket
Set vlc = New SocketDevice
vlc.Name = "vlc"
'define socket properties
Dim vlcInfo As SocketDeviceInfo
vlcInfo.Server = ""
vlcInfo.Port = 2000
vlcInfo.SocketType = ebProtocolTcp
vlcInfo.ByteOrdering = ebByteOrderingLittleEndian
'open Socket
vlc.Open vlcInfo
Remote-PC running E-Prime:
I configured VLC by enabling the Remote Control Interface and setting the RC listening port to
However, whenever I run the E-Prime script, it states that it isn't able to connect. I also tried using telnet to connect to the RCI, but it just refused the connection.
Could you give me any advice on how to proceed?