split screen yellow and green

macOS specific usage questions
no red

split screen yellow and green

Postby no red » 11 Aug 2005 05:01

Can any tell me why my VLC player is playing everything in split screen and a yellow and green color shift? I accidently dumped my player a few days ago and when I re-downloaded it I get this problem consistantly. I reset he preferences and tried just about everythig I can think of. ANy ideas?

Thanks very much


Postby Guest » 11 Aug 2005 23:36

Mine is doing the same thing. I had to redownload it as well and it's doing this for all .avi files. The sund is fine, but the picture is very much a mess. Any help would be appreciated!

no red

split screen yellow and green FIX

Postby no red » 14 Aug 2005 01:30

so after a bit of searching here is what I found on the message posts.
Go into the preferences menu goto video>output module(make sure that advanced is checked at the bottom)>scroll down and select quartz video.

Every thing works fine after that. Good luck

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 14 Sep 2005 22:13

Postby ThOR » 17 Sep 2005 16:36

Okay i have fixed the problem. But now when i close VLC it hangs up. When i reset the settings i get the green lines back but it dont hangs up on closing.

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