Add Filename, Media Info, and Playtime + Duration OSD menu

Feature requests for VLC.
Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 28
Joined: 27 Jun 2013 16:03

Add Filename, Media Info, and Playtime + Duration OSD menu

Postby Chromatic » 06 Jul 2013 17:20

I've managed to get a marquee to display some of these attributes using Variables that aren't very intuitive -- in a text overlay. However, many people want this information on their screens in various sizes, in various fonts, in various colors, for various lengths of time, and permanently.

So why not go ahead and add a menu option for these and other attributes stored in variables already to be able to checked and unchecked to be displayed on screen,.. with the option to display anywhere on screen with the above options (sizing options, font options, color options, placement options, (relative size option (so it stays the same despite changing video resolutions) ), and so on.

This would be the first media player to have this built in! Why not be a first?

Some examples of clickable options to add in an on screen display would be:

() - Filename [Would be nice to have an option here to purge the file-extension (ie: .avi, .mp4, etc)
() - Total File Duration
() - Current Playtime (a counter - with option to include or not include the milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours placemarks)
() - Framerate
() - Encoding
() - File Size
() - Title
() Artist
() Genre
() - Comments
() - and other sorts of metadata.

The top used would be Filename and X playtime/Y Total file duration -- Would be very handy to show the Filename with the extension undergoing recursion -- IE: GreatVideoS1E10.avi would simply display as GreatVideoS1E10


Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 28
Joined: 27 Jun 2013 16:03

Re: Add Filename, Media Info, and Playtime + Duration OSD me

Postby Chromatic » 07 Jul 2013 06:55

Im pretty sure there is plugin tools that can do some of that for you for file duration and file name.
I've only seen one for Time,.. and since I've figured out how to use the Marquee Text Overlay to get the Filename and playtime on screen display -- As I replied to my own post with directions for any future people who search like I did here:


However, while we are mentioning feature requests,.. it could be a little more intuitive than putting variables that weren't extremely easily to find out about into an on Screen text filter.

Also, the biggest thing I need from VLC now is to have the marquee text size be relative and not pixel size,.. because as video's change from low resolution to high resolution the on screen display becomes tiny, and then when back to low resolution video's it becomes too large. So a percentage size for marquee that is relative that would keep the text size the same regardless of resolution would be nice. (I mentioned that in another feature request).

But, thanks for the heads up -- if you come across any particular plugins reply back to this post.. I'm always looking for better ways.


Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 44
Joined: 22 Aug 2008 22:11

Re: Add Filename, Media Info, and Playtime + Duration OSD menu

Postby trysting » 28 Aug 2022 18:06

I'd like to vote for these mods to be stated in the VLC playlist formats.

I don't know if this is a relevant place, but the font sizes in VLC player are weird. The filename/title is huge, the left playlist pane is legible, and the actual list text is so small that I can't read them on a close-by monitor, and definitely not on the screens across the room.

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