VLC Media Player 2.0.7 keeps crashing on Windows 7 64-Bit

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VLC Media Player 2.0.7 keeps crashing on Windows 7 64-Bit

Postby tpgb12 » 05 Jul 2013 01:07

Hello. I am currently having a big problem with VLC Media Player 2.0.7. What happens is that whenever I play a video, both VLC and Skype will usually crash at the same time (this also sometimes happens for other programs like Virtual PC 2007, and even when the Skype process is ended, VLC will still usually crash.). This is getting VERY annoying. Can somebody please help me with this? Thanks.

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Re: VLC Media Player 2.0.7 keeps crashing on Windows 7 64-Bi

Postby gepebril » 05 Jul 2013 14:40

Hi there,

It would help if you provide some kind of logging. You could start VLC from the command line and start console. Than you can provide the logging to the experts. The more you give them, the easier it is to help you. Now it's looking for a needle in a haystack.

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Re: VLC Media Player 2.0.7 keeps crashing on Windows 7 64-Bi

Postby tpgb12 » 08 Jul 2013 23:54

How do I start the console in command prompt?

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Re: VLC Media Player 2.0.7 keeps crashing on Windows 7 64-Bi

Postby Lotesdelere » 09 Jul 2013 08:18

First, reset VLC preferences:

both VLC and Skype will usually crash at the same time (this also sometimes happens for other programs like Virtual PC 2007...)
sound really bad, probably a driver issue.

How to get to a MS-DOS prompt:

Then run VLC with this command line:

Code: Select all

vlc --extraintf=logger --verbose=2 --logfile=C:\vlc.log --logmode=text --file-logging
You may have to change the path to the destination file for a location folder where you're allowed to write in.
Then post the full resulting log.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: VLC Media Player 2.0.7 keeps crashing on Windows 7 64-Bi

Postby tpgb12 » 16 Jul 2013 03:53

Unfortunately, when VLC crashes in the log file mode, it doesn't seem to write anything down that would indicate an error (maybe it crashes before it can write to the file). :?

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