Postby datafreak » 08 May 2017 21:07
I know this is ancient, but I also am trying to do this. Basically I want to pragmatically read all instances of VLC playing and save their A-B loops.
You can certainly repeat any section via the command line to PLAY it, but to read/save existing ones, I need to getaccess to the timeA and timeB variables, none of the interfaces (which are cool man for automation like lua interface and telnet/VLM etc wow) they don't expose the A-B function, let alone allow read/save access. You may try CLIPPER (the VLC Addon), despite a rather confusing GUI, it allows full management of playlists of custom loops, it's very thourough, just a overdone solution for what i need (save a-b loop, that's it, then i can extrapoloate times and play back wheneverm, and using cmdow, position windows as i like pragmatically too). Good luck.
To launch vlc and loop a custom time in minimal interface, and you can control window position just google vlc command line parameters window x y width height etc, (this is essentially same as A->B, just not called that, I think BTW A->B Loop function was a bit rushed looking at source, still greatful it's there, just saying, not exposing it to ANY interface other than the GUI controller says something. Maybe it was added more recently than the interface etc.
vlc "V:\X\_Tease\Dance\Nina Kay\Nina Kay Gogo Dancing at Space Australia Sydney Part2.flv" --start-time 24 --stop-time 84 --repeat --qt-minimal-view --no-audio --meta-title "Yo i am a custom VLC title"