Request persistence in Post processing settings in OSX

Feature requests for VLC.

Request persistence in Post processing settings in OSX

Postby plasma » 31 Jul 2005 08:09

Post processing settings under "video" in OSX (unable to confirm if it is same in windows) seems to revert to "disabled" with each subsequent video.

I would love to see Post processing settings remain in place for all subsequent playback until changed by the user once again.

thanks for the consideration.


Postby Guest » 01 Aug 2005 11:56

also request subtitle & audio track settings to remain persistent throughout the program's runtime.

If saving to a config seems too annoying with this and the post processing, what i'm really looking for is the ability to "set and forget" for an entire playlist at a time..

If settings are lost when you close the program out.. that's not a bother, you have to be at the computer to launch vlc in the first place.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 24
Joined: 10 Dec 2004 08:59

Postby gusax » 05 Aug 2005 13:42

Try setting your output settings in the preferences instead of the menu. Click "Save" a couple of times too.
This will turn on the selected post processing every time vlc is opened though but I'm guessing you're always selecting the same post processing so you won't mind if it's on all the time?

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