dynamic range compressor

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dynamic range compressor

Postby youaintno » 19 May 2013 21:35

Hi! I've been using VLC for a while now and it's a GREAT video player! I absolutely love this software! What I'm trying to do with it is figure out how to save my dynamic range compressor settings. There are two ways to change the settings. One is through the ctrl-e menu (tools menu -> effects and filters -> compressor) OR by going through the preference menu (tools menu -> preferences -> show all settings -> audio -> filters -> compressor )

Now, when you change the settings through the preference menu, there's a button that says "SAVE," however my settings do not seem to want to save for some reason. I can't figure this one out. Once I hit save, then exit the program and restart it, the settings are back the default.

Does anyone know how to fix this? As it is now any time I want to watch a video, I have to adjust my dynamic range compressor every time. It would be super convenient if I could figure out a way for it to just keep my dynamic range compressor settings to what I set it to without my having to change it every single time. If anyone knows a solution to this, it would be greatly appreciated! thanks so much!

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Re: dynamic range compressor

Postby Lotesdelere » 20 May 2013 09:40

There are two ways to change the settings. One is through the ctrl-e menu (tools menu -> effects and filters -> compressor) OR by going through the preference menu (tools menu -> preferences -> show all settings -> audio -> filters -> compressor )
The second one is working fine for me after saving, exiting and restarting VLC.

I guess the first one is like the EQ setting from the same Filters & Effects menu and there are already many requests about that.

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