audio/video sync when playing lectures 1.5x real time

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New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 7
Joined: 19 Jan 2013 21:02

audio/video sync when playing lectures 1.5x real time

Postby » 24 Jan 2013 23:35

I use the "j" and "k" keys to sync up the sound and the video using the video lecturer's lips as a guide.

Since I often play back lectures at 1.3x - 1.8x, I've noticed that at different speeds, the audio/video sync required is different.

Isn't it obvious that if the correct audio/video sync is -250msec at speed 1.0x, then the correct audio/video sync at speed 1.5x should be more like -375msec ?

I realize that this is a very minor thing, but it should be an easy fix the next time someone visits this code.


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