vlcrc deployment

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vlcrc deployment

Postby zWaR » 26 Dec 2012 09:53


Is there a way to deploy a customized default vlcrc with vlc installation?

EDIT: Talking about vlc-2.0.5
Last edited by zWaR on 26 Dec 2012 13:17, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: vlcrc deployment

Postby zWaR » 26 Dec 2012 12:00

Thanks for posting. Yeah, I've allready created a completely custom installer script for VLC from VLC sources. And the reason why I'd like to deploy a custom vlcrc are not the file type associations (which I handled the similar way you suggest, btw.), but the parameter:

Code: Select all

Which I'd like to set to:

Code: Select all

In the custom installer script I've added a part, which outputs vlcrc into the all users folder (the installer will run with admin rights whereas the end user has no admin credentials), replacing the existing file if it exists + I've used the delprefs macro allready defined to clear the user's folders (btw. delprefs' code is not suitable for what it's supposed to do, since it will delete only the configs of the user(s) logged-in in the moment of execution. For testing it was OK though). The expected behaviour would be that vlc takes the vlcrc file found in the All users folder if vlcrc in the current user's folder does not exist. If vlcrc in the All users folder does not exist, then vlc creates a new vlcrc in the current user's profile. I'd expect that, because the default user's profile should be reflected at least in the default settings of other logged-in users.

Unfortuately those expectations are wrong, since vlc process creates a new vlcrc file if none exists in the current user's profile and does not check if the default users profile has one. That behaviour makes it harder to deploy customized settings to the client.

Current workaround was to write a ps script, whicih runs after vlc deployment in the end-user's context, taking care of vlcrc (1. tries to search-replace the param 2. if vlcrc does not exist, it copies a default file to the user's profile). This has some advantages, since the users don't loose their settings if upgrading .... still it'd be super great if that'd be possible directly with the installer :P

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Re: vlcrc deployment

Postby zWaR » 26 Dec 2012 13:03

LOL the poster deleted his post ?!

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Re: vlcrc deployment

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 27 Dec 2012 16:48

No, VLC only reads in the user's profile for vlcrc.
Patches are welcome.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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