Windows Audio streaming

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Windows Audio streaming

Postby mderouss » 18 Nov 2012 23:00

Hi folk,

been trying to get audio streaming going for a couple of hours now, and I've even read the documentation :). However it's not working for me.

What I'm trying to do

I want to stream whatever I am listening to on my Windows 7 workstation ( flac files ) to any ( Windows ) machine on the local lan, using VLC 2.0.4.

How I'm trying to do it

Obviously I need to be multicasting to a 224.x.x.1 ( broadcast ) multicast address, somehow.

So I'm trying to use RTP. I'm going to 'Open Media', and entering :


as the network URL ( I've tried rtp://@:1234 with the same results, i.e. failure ).

I've clicked 'Play/Stream', and then Next. I'm prompted for Destinations. I have no idea what to enter here. There is no 'destination' - I'm trying to broadcast to anything that wants to listen, and I'm also not doing transcoding, as far as I know. So this section is very confusing. I set the Destination to 'RTP Audio/Video Profile', and turn transcoding off.

I accept the defaults for the Options section, and click 'Stream'.

VLC now starts to play my Playlist ( i.e. I can see the progress bar and hear music OK on my Windows 7 'Server' machine ).

Nothing I have been able to do on any machine connected to my network has been able to make music happen.

What I've been trying to do is to select Media/Open Network Stream, then specify the URL I entered above as the network URL, then hit 'Play'. I get nothing.
I've tested that VLC on the client machines can open a flac file located on the server and play it. This works fine. It's the streaming that isn't working.

There are no routers involved. so the hop limit of 1 in the default options is not a problem.

I've tried turning Windows Firewall off for local addresses on the server ( there's no option for multicast addresses ). This had no effect.
I've explicitly allowed UDP 1234 on the clients, this had no effect.

Suggestions ?


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