Black screen when souting with MP2 video codec

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Black screen when souting with MP2 video codec

Postby Stef_dar » 13 Jul 2005 18:15


I have a black screen when I use VLC 0.8.2 with XP and this souting option :

The problem is the same if i use command line option, webinterface or the normale Windows interface.

With 0.8.2 no pictures are available on the "client" side (ie at if i use this souting option. IP packets are sended to the client (due to my router informations). I also tested with multicast IP and the problem is the same. It's necessary to NOT use mp2 (or mp1) video codec to have picture (everything is ok if i use mp4v codec), but i need mp2 :( .

Here is the message log :
ffmpeg error: cannot open encoder
stream_out_transcode error: cannot find encoder
ffmpeg debug: ffmpeg codec (MS MPEG-4 Video v3) stopped
main debug: unlocking module "ffmpeg"

I don't have this problem if i use a 0.8.1 release to stream (so to my mind it's not a network, OS or firewall problem).

My configuration :
2 PC (P-4) with XP SP2 with a linksys wireless router.
one use VLC as client / the second use VLC as streaming server.

Thanx for your help :) ,



Same Problem

Postby Ryan » 14 Jul 2005 16:31

I am having the same problem i did some research and it seems that the mux/demux ts modules are not being installed i beleive that those modules are related to libdvbpsi so I tried recompiling vlc with the --enable-libdvbpsi and --with-libdvbpsi-tree=../compiletree options on the configure script i still encountered the same problem i have also tried taking the ts so files from a vlc-0.8.1 install but that also did not work . thanks for your help .


fixed problem

Postby Ryan » 14 Jul 2005 20:51

it turned out that the sections that make the files were commented out so I uncommented them and recompiled now I have mpeg 2 ts support

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 2
Joined: 13 Jul 2005 15:48

Postby Stef_dar » 16 Jul 2005 21:32


thanks for this information. Could you take contact with me (by private message or mail at stef_dar'at', because, i still encoured problems to compile it for Windows XP.




Same problem

Postby David77 » 25 Jul 2005 23:24


I have something similar (using mp1v or mp2v codec for souting) but i have noticed the following point :
it's ok with in general, excepting when i read a movieencoded at 23 fps or less ==> I have just sound in this case

I have tried to force fps encoding (with --sout-encode-fps 25 option at launch of VLC) ==> in this case i had a stream with picture (but the pictures is of bad quality and my CPU is at 99%).

Any body has an idea ?


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