encoed closed caption text into MPEG-2 file

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encoed closed caption text into MPEG-2 file

Postby skowald » 08 Oct 2012 20:11

I have an Osprey capture card that I'm using to capture audio/video into an MPEG-2 program or transport stream muxed file. When using VLC as an encoder, can it
store the closed captions from a CC (2 byte format) or XDS output pin for the Osprey in either 608 or 708 format in the user bits in the muxed file? If it cannot store it directly in the file, can it capture it to a text file instead?


Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: encoed closed caption text into MPEG-2 file

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 08 Oct 2012 20:13

No, it cannot.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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New Cone
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Re: encoed closed caption text into MPEG-2 file

Postby skowald » 08 Oct 2012 20:14

Thank you for your quick reply.

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