DVB-T stream - audio jumping in 1.17?

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Joined: 07 Sep 2007 20:21

DVB-T stream - audio jumping in 1.17?

Postby dbrb2 » 31 Jul 2012 03:45


I suspect the answer to the following query may be "upgrade to latest VLC" but here goes:

I multicast DVB-T using DVlast. If I receive these streams using VLC 1.17 standalone (luggage) then all is fine
If I receive these streams using vlcJ and the same version of VLC, then video is fine, as are subtitles.
However, whilst the audio on some channels is fine, that on others - for instance any of the BBC channels - jumps continuously, halting about twice a second. Other channels are fine.

Looking at the channels.conf file for two affected, I can see no difference between those that work and those that do not, and I can't get the audio behaviou seen when using vlcj to replicate in standalone vlc.

I have found that increasing the playback cache will stop the audio jitter, but this still seems a little strange as the video is always smooth even at relatively low caches, and some other channels are fine. For instance, whilst "sky news" plays fine with a cache of only 120mS, BBC News needs 250mS for the audio not to jump. Some DVB channels broadcast audio at 128kbps, some at 192, but there does not seem to be an obvious corelation between this and the cache needed.

Also the latest VLC (and the standalone old VLC) is fine with the same low caches...

Upgrading to the latest VLC fixes this problem, but introduces others, so I thought I would ask for advice here...

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