VLC and 1080p movies

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New Cone
New Cone
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VLC and 1080p movies

Postby vampelle » 04 Jun 2012 20:18

It seems that whatever the size maybe for any movies which format is 1080p, vlc player is always freezes screens and skip the screens after that during all the movie, while the audio is running fast or freezes as well.

while i am not facing this issue, when i had to download different player ie. windows media player cinema and smplayer. they are playing the movie perfectly.

since i have been using for very long time, i hope that you fix this issues asap, as this is lot of headache and i dont like to change things what i am fine with it.

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 4
Joined: 04 Jun 2012 19:54

take the setting of these player to help 1080p movies

Postby vampelle » 05 Jun 2012 07:04

hi i have this issues that while watching the 1080p movies it freezes and skip the screens, then i reset the setting to basic dafult, it improved but still very less freezes and hardly any skipping.

the reason i writing is to tell the issues and where i found solution was in other players. i tried the same file using there deafult setting and it worked perfectly without any problem.

since i been using vlc player for very long time i dont like to change it.

so can you please take there some setting which makes the 1080p movies to work so smoothly and perfectly.
the player i have tried are umplayer, smplayer and windows media player cinema.

my spec:
AMD Athlon 3400+
2 gb ram
Msi-7228 motherboard with built in nvidia graphic card and sound card.

i dont use any other graphic or sound card.

if you may any improve in the player to improve 1080p i will be happy to get my review on it

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