Windows Explorer feature "play selected" with VLC

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Windows Explorer feature "play selected" with VLC

Postby jagman55 » 15 May 2012 00:38

When I download videos, I like to test them first and delete ones that I dont like or did not record correctly.
I use the feature in Windows Explorer called "Play selected" in the menu bar instead of playing them one at a time. And if use I VLC as the default for about everyting, it works great except:

1.. It or VLC will not play them in order selected if multi-selected. Anyone know the TRICK?

2. . Videos in Window Explorer lists TWO names, TITLE and FILE NAME. In Windows Explorer both are available. But VLC loves the TITLE. So when I find one I don't like, I cant identify it as Windows Explorer may not list TITLE if it does not have one but always the FILE NAME. I cant get VLC to use anything except the TITLE. I cant change Window but does anyone know how to make VLC use the FILE NAME when playing so I can go to Windows Explorer and delete the video?

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Re: Windows Explorer feature "play selected" with VLC

Postby Lotesdelere » 15 May 2012 13:57


It should be fixed as of today so you can try a nightly build (vlc-2.0.0-xxxxxxxx-xxxx is v2.0.2): ... 53218b3d85

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