VLC 2.0.2 for Windows stops playing DVD movies

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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VLC 2.0.2 for Windows stops playing DVD movies

Postby runbei » 26 Apr 2012 00:15

VLC 2.0.2 for Windows recently began "choking" on commercial DVD movies. I browsed the first page of the forum, as well as the troubleshooting FAQ, but wouldn't know where to begin searching for solutions, as I don't know what the problem is. It's not exactly "stuttering," for example. A movie starts okay but then quickly grinds to a halt, and then VLC freezes and the movie window closes. Any suggestions?

P.S. I installed PotPlayer to see if the problem would occur in that player as well. It does. No idea what to do.

P.P.S. From the Windows Start Menu, I chose Programs > VideoLAN > Reset VLC media player preferences and cache files. Seems to working for the moment.

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