Subtitles autodetection when streaming over http interface

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Subtitles autodetection when streaming over http interface

Postby huljko » 09 Dec 2007 16:29

Announcement from modrillo (VLCF developer):

Subtitles werden nun korrekt gerendert (getestet unter WinXP, bitte unter Linux austesten!!)
Standard Hintergrundbild (TESTING - das große jukebox.png kann gelöscht werden)
AC3 Probleme - eventuell, vielleicht, gehts jetzt. Kann das nicht testen.
sporadische Volumeanzeige

Es wird in der Statusbar jetzt noch die Filegröße angezeigt
Translation from German:

Subtitles are now correctly rendered (tested under WinXP, please test under Linux!!)
Standard background picture (TESTING - big jukebox.png can be deleted)
AC3 Problem - maybe, probably it works now. Can't test it.
Volume bar shown from time to time

File size shown on Status bar

Sorry for my bad translation from German language.

RC21 will be available for download using Blue Panel.

Didn't test it yet.


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Re: Subtitles autodetection when streaming over http interface

Postby funman » 09 Dec 2007 18:18

cool :)

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Joined: 10 Aug 2007 12:53

Re: Subtitles autodetection when streaming over http interface

Postby huljko » 09 Dec 2007 18:40

Tested and subtitles working OK with VLCF RC21 and VLC running on WinXP and Windows Server 2003.

Thanks to all that helped solve this problem, especialy mordillo from "I have a Dreambox" forum.


Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Subtitles autodetection when streaming over http interface

Postby huljko » 09 Dec 2007 19:20

AjeeB asked:
to add option to disable/enable subtitle (stream) maybe mute button !!
Here is mordillo answer:
No, not on the fly, but by deleting the soutadd option in the vlcf.xml - "senc, soverlay" - it should be

But only delete senc, soverlay and let the "" be there!

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: Subtitles autodetection when streaming over http interface

Postby AjeeB » 09 Dec 2007 19:37

this tool much interesting now.
finally a solution ! :D
not tested yet ... but it's best news ! for Dreambox ppl

thanks huljko

I'll test it soon

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