First, thanks to the devs for making and continuing to update this tool. Much appreciated.
Now, a complaint!![]()
Since the latest update (3.4?), I've been unable to log into any remote servers (I mainly use SFTP, but it also doesn't work with SMB or NFS either). This happens regardless of how I enter credentials (ad hoc, saved, whatever) and doesn't work on TVos or iOS with this latest build. The patches (3.4.5) have not seemed to resolve this. I know it's not a network issue, because I can log into these machines using SFTP just fine with other clients. No issues with DNS either. Just seemed to stop working back in May.
Any help is appreciated.
Code: Select all
[DBG] EOF reached
[DBG] waiting decoder fifos to empty
[DBG] waiting decoder fifos to empty
[DBG] waiting decoder fifos to empty
[DBG] waiting decoder fifos to empty
[DBG] waiting decoder fifos to empty
[DBG] waiting decoder fifos to empty
[DBG] waiting decoder fifos to empty
[DBG] waiting decoder fifos to empty
Code: Select all
[DBG] EOF reached
[DBG] waiting decoder fifos to empty
[DBG] waiting decoder fifos to empty
[DBG] waiting decoder fifos to empty
[DBG] waiting decoder fifos to empty
[DBG] waiting decoder fifos to empty
[DBG] waiting decoder fifos to empty
[DBG] waiting decoder fifos to empty
[DBG] waiting decoder fifos to empty
[DBG] waiting decoder fifos to empty
[DBG] killing decoder fourcc `h264'
[DBG] removing module "videotoolbox"
Code: Select all
[DBG] waiting decoder fifos to empty
[DBG] killing decoder fourcc `h264'
[DBG] removing module "videotoolbox"
[DBG] saving a free vout
[DBG] reusing provided vout
[DBG] removing module "mp4"
[DBG] freeing all memory
[DBG] Program doesn't contain anymore ES
[DBG] removing module "record"
[DBG] removing module "cache_read"
[DBG] removing module "filesystem"
[DBG] Creating an input for 'video.mp4'
I think I am having the same issue as you, but on iPad. Does this video look similar to what you are experiencing: https://www.reddit.com/r/VLC/comments/1 ... in_random/As I previously mentioned before any 3.4 update. Several months ago in which remains a continuing “happening”. I have multiple files in folders on an SMB. Let’s just say a series of movies. For example 1-5. I have them named in order so all I have to do, presumably is hit play and enjoy the ride. However, back in December I think it was. I noticed it started skipping files. If I started on 1. It would play 1, 3, 5. I have tried this with a variety of video formats. Mkv, avi, mp4. It makes no difference. What is even more strange, is sometimes it skips, sometimes it don’t. My method is as follows. Apple TV Home Screen: select VLC media player > Local Network > (named smb) SMB > (smb server login info is already filled out) Login > File Folder > Video > Play. After the first video is finished it will skip to the third and not even play the second.
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