Filename NOT showing at start of playback

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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 31 Jan 2011 22:38

Well, I am aware of the issue, because many AVI seems to have broken tags, especially for the title. I don't plan to fix it for 1.1, but I might find a nice solution for 1.2, is someone sends me enough samples.
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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby AliP92 » 01 Feb 2011 01:24

Why do you want samples? The problem has been described in detail, samples would be of no use at all, do you still not understand what the problem is?

Anyway here you go, lot's of samples: ... easons_1-8

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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby Guerrer0 » 01 Feb 2011 13:21

I don't understand the need for samples either.
What do you mean with "broken tag" exactly? For me there is no difference between a tag and a broken tag. I do not want have tags displayed in any case.
As I said, VLC doesn't have to know if a tag is broken or not but it should the user let decide if it shows tags or not.

I've also noticed another (for me) confusing behavior. All my video files are named like this:
What VLC displays as title is:
Series - SxxExx
This behavior occurs if the video file has NO tags.
Is there a reason for this behavior? I would understand if VLC removes the dots but the episode title? :?

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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 01 Feb 2011 15:52

I don't understand the need for samples either.
What do you mean with "broken tag" exactly? For me there is no difference between a tag and a broken tag. I do not want have tags displayed in any case.
As I said, VLC doesn't have to know if a tag is broken or not but it should the user let decide if it shows tags or not.

I've also noticed another (for me) confusing behavior. All my video files are named like this:
What VLC displays as title is:
Series - SxxExx
This behavior occurs if the video file has NO tags.
Is there a reason for this behavior? I would understand if VLC removes the dots but the episode title? :?
Because what you describe and what happens is:
your AVI file named "Series.-.SxxExx.-.Episode.Title" has "Series - SxxExx" in its tags (which are limited in length) and therefore VLC shows the tags, which is the normal way to behave. Use an hex editor, if you don't believe me.
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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby Guerrer0 » 01 Feb 2011 21:21

I checked this multiple times with abcAVI Tag Editor and HxD (hex editor) and the file has definitely no tag (i checked a file which has a tag and found it in both programs).
I also made spot tests with a lot of files and every file which is named like "Series.-.SxxExx.-.Episode.Title" is handled as described. Finally I renamed the "Series" part of a file and VLC displays the renamed title.

So after a lot of testing I'm sure this behavior has nothing to do with tags. Try the tests above by yourself if you don't believe me.

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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 01 Feb 2011 22:27

Send me the sample.
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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby Guerrer0 » 02 Feb 2011 12:05

Sorry, as my DSL is very slow this would take 12h to upload...

But you can simply reproduce this by renaming any avi-File to the schema above.

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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby JanusTwoface » 10 Feb 2011 20:41

As a workaround (just tried it, works great for me):

- Download abcAVI Tag Editor (
- Click the Open Directory button (the second from the left), point it at the root of your AVI files
- Under the AVI Tags tab, remove the Title
- Click the <> button to the left of the title (will syncronize the change to all of the AVI files opened)
- Click the Save All Changes button (fourth from the left)

That will remove all of the title tags, forcing VLC to use the filename as the title.

Yes, it would be nice to have 'Filename' as a column option in the playlist, but this will work for now.

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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby Guerrer0 » 11 Feb 2011 08:38

This works for the Tag problem, but "Series.-.SxxExx.-.Episode.Title" is still handled wrong...

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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby scott1x » 23 May 2011 21:04

I have been loading the file list into winamp and saving it as a m3u, which I read into vlc. Once it's loaded it seems to work.

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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby Guerrer0 » 06 Jun 2011 15:49

Confirmed. If you load the files from a playlist (it doesn't matter if m3u, m3u8 or xspf) filenames are shown correctly.

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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby Zheitk » 13 Sep 2011 04:36

I'm playing an old Stargate SG1 rip and the old VLC used to display the file names, since the change the playlist is unusable with certain files. The entire rip I have has this in the title bar: "#Stargate-SG1-Sweden & #nandub on DALnet" VLC now displays this as the name for every episode in the playlist
I came here because the same problem with the same Stargate release LOL, But mine it's slightly more problematic:
I use vlc more than anything because you can customize the name of the screenshots, so I use this string:

Code: Select all

%Y-%m-%d - $N [$T] n°
and the screenshot used to be like this:
2011-09-07 - XFiles - 02x24_Our Town.Falcon-Victory.inter-latino.avi [00_04_10] n°00004
[date taken, filename, stamp-time, sequence]

But with that stargate file (and others that use tags) I get something like this (on all the season files):
2011-09-12 - #Stargate-sg1-sweden & #nandub on DALnet [00_00_07] n°00001

But I would prefer it this way:
2011-09-12 - Stargate SG-1 S03x04 - Legado.avi [00_00_07] n°00001

This is because VLC uses the title in the tag of the video, if present, instead of the filename, both in the Title bar, screenshots name and playlist item (fffuuuu)

Anyway, an option to let the user decide what to show as the title would be perfect:
1.- Use the title tag
2.- Filename with extension
3.- Filename without extension
4.- Full path

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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby registriert » 25 Oct 2011 01:45


if you rename your file from xxxx.S02E05.xxxx.avi to xxxx.s02e05.xxxx.avi (use small letters) it works :)

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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby Szasz » 28 Oct 2011 11:50

I use 1.1.4 as newer versions usually have some annoying "feature" (bug) I can not tolerate. Also interesting that the forum did not let me to register when I noticed those bugs. Not important.

Same problem with Stargate seasons ("#Stargate-SG1-Sweden & #nandub on DALnet" shows as title on enqued files as it is written in the file's tag) thus rendering the sort function unusable (same names can not be ordered).

Shame on VLC I had to use a free 3rd party software (abcAVI Tag Editor) to solve this problem as VLC's tag editing just do not work on these files. (Tag titles reset at playing or at reopening)

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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby AaronR » 15 Jan 2012 04:01

I've just noticed this too, it is nothing to do with tags whatsoever and I'm not using a playlist; it is definitely the filename being shown:

"ShowName - S01E01 - EpisodeName"
shows in the title-bar as:
"ShowName - S01E01"

"ShowName - s01e01 - EpisodeName"
shows in the title-bar as:
"ShowName - s01e01 - EpisodeName"

As you can see the filename is being passed through some sort of filter rather than just be simply displayed.

I realise the developers are busy people so I'm going to have a look at the code myself (if it isn't too advanced for me).

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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby Guerrer0 » 20 Feb 2012 10:38

I finally figured out the resolution.
The behaviour with the filename comes from a lua script for metadata.

Just remove the file (or rename the extension) %Program Files%\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\reader\filename.luac and the problem is gone.

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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby Zheitk » 21 Feb 2012 03:40

The code in the file seems to make sense (vlc.item:set_meta("title", showName.." S"..seasonNumber.."E"..episodeNumber)), but this is still not working with me (vlc 1.1.9 / xp sp3). I don't know how to script vlc with lua, but probably a script can force the track title to be the filename.

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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby Guerrer0 » 21 Feb 2012 14:12

Don't know why it's not working for you. Maybe the file has some kind of tags.
I'm also not familiar with lua, but as I understand the source, this should do the trick:

Code: Select all

function read_meta() local metas = vlc.item:metas() local name = metas["filename"]; vlc.item:set_meta("title", name) end
A short test shows that it seems to work, but i don't know if it overrides tags.

Just copy it in a in a textfile named filename.lua and copy it to the given folder (removing the filename.luac file).

Btw, I think VLC 2.0 has an option to not use tags in files. (Preferences -> All -> Playlist)

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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby Zheitk » 21 Feb 2012 21:39

I just updated to 2.0, and the filename.lua file was replaced with a compiled filename.luac file (can't read it). Now instead of the title tag showing in the titlebar, I have a stripped version of the filename:

Code: Select all

"ShowName - s01e01 - EpisodeName.ext" => "ShowName S01E01"
Removing it solves the problem for a mkv file with file tag (now it shows the filename.ext ñ_ñ), but not for an avi.
Don't know why it's not working for you. Maybe the file has some kind of tags.I'm also not familiar with lua, but as I understand the source, this should do the trick:Code: Select allfunction read_meta()    local metas = vlc.item:metas()    local name = metas["filename"];    vlc.item:set_meta("title", name)endA short test shows that it seems to work, but i don't know if it overrides tags.Just copy it in a in a textfile named filename.lua and copy it to the given folder (removing the filename.luac file).Edit:Btw, I think VLC 2.0 has an option to not use tags in files. (Preferences -> All -> Playlist)
It doesn't work for me T_T (use abcAVI to change the title tag in an AVI)

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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby turbine » 24 Mar 2012 16:14

Hi all,

I also registered to chime in on this and back up those who have been suggesting for over a year this bug be fixed with an option to simply NOT parse the filenames. I can also confirm the workaround for this poor design is to delete the .lua file described above.

Like many others, I'm disappointed at the attitude of the developer, who simply doesn't seem to "get it". He proceeds as if file parsing is a critical required usecase for playback, and blames the files for not being constructed properly instead of his code for not dealing with a common contingency, when it could be solved simply by making the parsing optional, or at a minimum adding a filename field as a display option. This attitude is an example of what has long been one of the primary problems with software development, developers designing for themselves or other developers and not with end-users in mind. This is a free app, but that doesn't negate the importance of designing for end-users, particularly with such a widely-used otherwise excellent, highly flexible app.

To clarify the simple solution:

1) Under Tools -> Preferences -> All (radio button) -> Playlist. Change "Automatically Preparse files" checkbox to a dropdown labeled "Playlist display options:" with three options:
. a) "Automaticaly preparse files when added to playlist"
. b) "Parse files when played"
. c) "Do not parse files"

2) Add filename, title, and perhaps number to display options, with "number" (or perhaps "#" or "item") being in the order of items being added. Currently "title", often parsed incorrectly, is not optional, and it also appears impossible to sort the playlist by the order-added.

In summary, the decision to force this parsed, sorted playlist on users was a bad one due to the inherent problems with parsing. The fact this bug has existed for so long is a reminder to developers to always, always, always listen to users and not treat them dismissively. Fix the above omissions, and it's great, and deals effectively with files which do not parse well, something beyond the control of code.


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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby Jonneh » 30 Mar 2012 19:13

Just because I saw this thread and realised I had to come up with my own solution:

Used this to open every avi on my computer at once and blank all the tag info, so that VLC resumed displaying the filename in playlist view in the absence of any tag data.

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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby Toddler Naruto » 28 Apr 2012 10:25

I have also been having this problem too, I would love for there to be an option in VLC, that if checked, would show the filename I gave the video, instead of the "encoding filename" that avidemux spits out.

(I am NOT the encoder of the videos I watch, I just download them)

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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby tomray » 04 May 2012 00:08

I am plagued mostly with the amc title. abcAVI Tag Editor seems great... can do mass exterminations.. would rather have no tags. Still can't access properties summery simple.... but that's another apologue.. thanks. (its all my fault)

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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby lalala » 25 Jun 2012 12:00

Yet another example of the developers complete uselessness. Every time I google a problem with VLC: arrogance. It's.. astounding.

Someone suggested deleting filename.lua, I deleted the whole meta folder. Seems to work just fine, and now there's no inane fluff. Of course, I'm still using 1.1.something. Who wants to update when the only ever 'improvement' is more bugs and arrogance?

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Re: Filename NOT showing at start of playback

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 25 Jun 2012 16:06

Who wants to update when the only ever 'improvement' is more bugs and arrogance?
Who wants to work on a volunteer project when the only thing we get is insults and agressivity from users like yourself?
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