VOD Howto

Discussion about configuration and usage of VLM (a stream scheduler) within VLC.

Is there a need for a VOD Howto?

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Re: VOD Howto

Postby ksreejithnair » 28 Oct 2008 12:31

VOD works for me.
I used HTTP interface to configure VOD.
I have started vlc with the following command.
vlc --extraintf http --http-src http/ --http-host localhost:80
make sure that port 80 is not in use.
From the browser I have accessed vlc http inteface using the url http://localhost/vlm.html
In the interface click on the video on demand button
Give any name in the name field : I have given "test"
Select an input file."somefile.avi"
Then click on send button.

Now you can access it from any vlc palyer using rtsp://[serverip]/test

Streaming is not working if the input file is .wmv or file name contains special characters like single quotes ( ' )

I wish to know three things, any input to this will be helpful.
1) whether I can give screen:// as input so that I can capture and send my desktop as VOD.
2) Is it possible to run setup VOD from command line.
3) Is it possible to setup VOD using libvlc.dll.

Thanks in advance.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Re: VOD Howto

Postby saurabh » 30 Mar 2009 19:46

Hi I am also trying to use web interface with vlc streaming...
I am trying to play mpeg4 file plus I also tried some other file..
Now my interface and everything comes up nice..
But its not showing me video..The timer is running ..
I can also see all the video files in the list but it doesnt show any video..
I am trying this on widows machines...
And I tried it in both IE and firefox...
Please someone help me with this..
Thanks in advance..

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 14
Joined: 04 Aug 2008 10:29

Re: VOD Howto

Postby Sawyer » 20 Apr 2009 00:47

Can anybody tell me why i cant connect over the internet? When I try it locally it works just fine. But when I do it from another computer over the internet. I see that the stream wanna start. It starts transfering some data but eventually it just dies out before I get any picture or video. I started the VLC server with.
-I http --vlm-conf vlm.cfg --rtsp-host

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