Same problem here. I can only see 3 of the total 8 shared folders (Synology 412+)Hi there,
As of a few minutes ago, I've downloaded VLC for iOS Version 2.1.3 on my iPad, and I'm still having the same issue with accessing a D-Link NAS drive through UPNP. It can see the drive, but none of the files or folders on it.
exactly same here! but i can watch pics and hear audio files. but none of the vids run. at all videos it show 0kb and play fail...Appears that the new version is now available on iTunes!!!
I can confirm that files and folders now appear from my QNAP that runs TwonkyMedia, however I can only play maybe one in a thousand video files.
However, just about all files come up as 0.0MB and fail to play.
Also, a very annoying thing, once it fails to play a file, it takes you back to the home screen of the app and you need to drill down into the folder structure all over again. It doesn't return you to the folder you just tried playing a file from.
At this point, even with the update and fixes, this is still not at all useful for UPnP video playback.
What file formats are meant to be officially supported? Perhaps only .mov? I have a lot of mkv, avi and mp4 files but they pretty much all fail.
I'd be very interested in what everyone else can play after you update to 2.1.1.
Nevermind. This probably happened because wave format was not 100% supported by mpd. Vorbis encoding is behaving better. There is no limit.Hi
I am new to VLC streaming and I have been trying to use VLC streaming to receive music from MPD server. It is nice, but I dont understand why I have 25 minute limit to streaming with progress bar at the bottom of VLC (also in Windows). Where does it come from? Can I get rid of it somehow?
I'm having the same problem concerning my WD MyCloud. VLC shows the device under Local Network (uPnP) and also shows the files. However, the files are all listed as 0.00mb can't be played. Any idea's? I've seen more people here with the same problem but couldn't find a solution for there no one else with the problem can't play videos cause they come with 0.0mb?
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