The big VLC for Mac OS X Intel and UB thread

macOS specific usage questions
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Troule playing .iso files

Postby Ender4171 » 31 Mar 2006 08:09

i have an intel solo core mac mini and i am using the 03/31/06 nightly build i have been having trouble playing .iso files with this build as well as all the other ones ive tried. the file launches an plays fine for about five minutes then suddenly closes with this error.

main: thread 2684407680: mutex_lock failed at misc/variables.c:805 (22:Invalid argument)
main: thread 2684407680: mutex_unlock failed at misc/variables.c:811 (22:Invalid argument)

Any help you guys could give me on this would be great, as much of my dvd collection is in .iso format. i have no problems playing them on my windows machine. VLC is great thanks for all your hard work.



Postby dorin » 31 Mar 2006 10:14

1.It is possible to load subtitles on the fly - not by selecting the track from menu ?
2. Any progress on quartz driver ?

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Postby fkuehne » 31 Mar 2006 14:00

@ dorin, 2: not yet, but since the OpenGL-one works flawlessly, this shouldn't be such a big issue. The OpenGL-output does even support on-the-fly changing of the video's aspect ratio (that was added 2 days ago), which doesn't work with Quartz yet.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.


Postby Benj » 31 Mar 2006 22:22

why there is a green triangle at the bottom of the screen playing some video file??(ie WMV) thanx

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Postby fkuehne » 31 Mar 2006 23:05

Could you upload a sample file to I never have been able to re-produce this with any of my files...
Please put a txt-file with the same name describing your problem as well and report your version of OSX.
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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Postby SpacePirate » 01 Apr 2006 02:29

i have an intel solo core mac mini and i am using the 03/31/06 nightly build i have been having trouble playing .iso files with this build as well as all the other ones ive tried. the file launches an plays fine for about five minutes then suddenly closes with this error.

main: thread 2684407680: mutex_lock failed at misc/variables.c:805 (22:Invalid argument)
main: thread 2684407680: mutex_unlock failed at misc/variables.c:811 (22:Invalid argument)

Any help you guys could give me on this would be great, as much of my dvd collection is in .iso format. i have no problems playing them on my windows machine. VLC is great thanks for all your hard work.
I've the same issue on a MBPro 1.83, though mine doesn't result in a crash (nightly 03/31 and previous, no instance on PPC). It occurs while playing video files of all sorts (AVI/XViD, H.264, AVC1). A bit of further investigation showed it only appears if the file ends or is stopped (command-period) while in fullscreen.

It occurs running 0.8.5 Intel natively, or 0.8.5 PPC in Rosetta. It DOES NOT occur while running 0.8.4 under Rosetta.

It does not occur under 0.8.4 or 0.8.5 PPC on a G4 mac.

DJ mentioned this is something of a known bug, but it seems to work fine on 0.8.5 PPC on PPC. I don't have a windows or native linux box to test this on.

Additionally, transcoding does not seem to work at all, it fails with a failure to find an encoder through ffmpeg. This is not entirely surprising, considering I couldn't get ffmpeg to compile from cvs the other day. I assume that you, like me, couldn't quite get ffmpeg to make properly. Apparently some patches were submitted to the ffmpeg cvs as of 20 February, but they apparently haven't been committed.

Code: Select all

ffmpeg: cannot find encoder h264 stream_out_transcode: cannot find encoder stream_out_transcode: cannot create video chain main: cannot create packetizer output (mp4v)
Aside from that, I kinda miss the fullscreen button, and as has been stated, mpga doesn't work, but so far, it's been working like a charm. Keep up the good work, and if there is anything I can do to help, feel free to ask.

~ SP

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Postby eobet » 01 Apr 2006 13:44

In todays build, the automatic detection of subtitltes seemed to work, as I could select it from the menu. However, they only displayed the first line from the subtitle and continously reported the following error:

subsdec: failed to convert subtitle encoding.
Try manually setting a character-encoding before you open the file.

I don't really know what the last thing means, but since I don't have to do that in the windows version of ViLC, I shouldn't have to do it in OS X either, I guess?


Postby Benj » 02 Apr 2006 13:40

replying to the moderator about the green triangle problem reading video : here is a sample : ... _19403.wmv
im using oSX86 10.4.5+security patch

try and see

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 02 Apr 2006 18:00

I've the same issue on a MBPro 1.83, though mine doesn't result in a crash (nightly 03/31 and previous, no instance on PPC). It occurs while playing video files of all sorts (AVI/XViD, H.264, AVC1). A bit of further investigation showed it only appears if the file ends or is stopped (command-period) while in fullscreen.

It occurs running 0.8.5 Intel natively, or 0.8.5 PPC in Rosetta. It DOES NOT occur while running 0.8.4 under Rosetta.

It does not occur under 0.8.4 or 0.8.5 PPC on a G4 mac.

DJ mentioned this is something of a known bug, but it seems to work fine on 0.8.5 PPC on PPC. I don't have a windows or native linux box to test this on.
Yes it's an 0.8.5 specific issue. I thought i solved it, but it just became less likely to occur, and it no longer crashes. I'll add it to the list.

Additionally, transcoding does not seem to work at all, it fails with a failure to find an encoder through ffmpeg. This is not entirely surprising, considering I couldn't get ffmpeg to compile from cvs the other day. I assume that you, like me, couldn't quite get ffmpeg to make properly. Apparently some patches were submitted to the ffmpeg cvs as of 20 February, but they apparently haven't been committed.

Code: Select all

ffmpeg: cannot find encoder h264 stream_out_transcode: cannot find encoder stream_out_transcode: cannot create video chain main: cannot create packetizer output (mp4v)
VLC uses a special version of ffmpeg adapted to run on Intel. I submitted many of those pathces to ffmpeg, but getting something in FFmpeg is a rediciously complicated proces, which recently made me taking the stance of only submitting patches, and not caring about wether it actually gets IN ffmpeg. We can use the private version if they don't care about contributions.

Also, WHAT and HOW are you transcoding here. You need to be more specific. Because it should work. I tested it.
Aside from that, I kinda miss the fullscreen button, and as has been stated, mpga doesn't work, but so far, it's been working like a charm.

The fullscreen button is now part of the video window, not the primary controller. About mpga and AAC, I need to further look at those.
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The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 02 Apr 2006 18:04

In todays build, the automatic detection of subtitltes seemed to work, as I could select it from the menu. However, they only displayed the first line from the subtitle and continously reported the following error:

subsdec: failed to convert subtitle encoding.
Try manually setting a character-encoding before you open the file.

I don't really know what the last thing means, but since I don't have to do that in the windows version of ViLC, I shouldn't have to do it in OS X either, I guess?
This means that the charset that VLC is assuming, is incorrect. On Windows it can be quite intelligent, on MacOSX, we are somewhat limited in our assumptions. I'll try to improve it a bit, but and ASSUMPTION is still an assumption, if you want to do it properly, you should tell VLC which character encoding the subtitle file is using.
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Postby Guest » 02 Apr 2006 18:37

The fullscreen button is now part of the video window, not the primary controller.
Will there be an option to get back the old style video window? That is, borderless and without the buttons and position bar?

Blank Cone
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Postby eobet » 03 Apr 2006 00:27

This means that the charset that VLC is assuming, is incorrect. On Windows it can be quite intelligent, on MacOSX, we are somewhat limited in our assumptions. I'll try to improve it a bit, but and ASSUMPTION is still an assumption, if you want to do it properly, you should tell VLC which character encoding the subtitle file is using.
Thanks for the answer. I've discovered more problems with charsets in OS X in other applications (only been an OS X user for a few days, just got my Macbook Pro), so I have to learn more about this topic.

The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 03 Apr 2006 03:52

The fullscreen button is now part of the video window, not the primary controller.
Will there be an option to get back the old style video window? That is, borderless and without the buttons and position bar?
That option is already there of course. It's part of the macosx interface options. Prefs->Interface->Main Interface->macosx "Embedded video output".

And again, this has nothing to do with the Intel Build or the Universal binary. Please stay on TOPIC.
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Postby The DJ » 03 Apr 2006 03:58

Thanks for the answer. I've discovered more problems with charsets in OS X in other applications (only been an OS X user for a few days, just got my Macbook Pro), so I have to learn more about this topic.
The MacOS X assumptions have been fixed now. However, note that if you try to play a file with the russian charset on your chinese computer, it will still not work. There is just so much you can assume and if the subtitle file doesn't specify that is uses a russian charset, then YOU need to specify it if your computer isn't set to the russian language.

(Ergo in case the file doesn't specify it, you don't specify it, the file doesn't seem to be UTF-8, and the charset is different from your current OS language charset, then you will still fail)

Also note that by default we use a font that doesn't support some charsets. Most notably Japanese and Chinese. If your charset != european/american/hebrew/russian, then you will need to select a font that supports the characters that your charset uses.
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Postby Benj » 03 Apr 2006 11:27

The DJ have u been working on the file i sent u about the green line + triangle? thanx

Blank Cone
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Postby SpacePirate » 05 Apr 2006 06:45

Also, WHAT and HOW are you transcoding here. You need to be more specific. Because it should work. I tested it.
I've tested with a few options, generally from avi:xvid/mpga into h.264 with an MPEG4 wrapper (iPod-compatible format, essentially). Pretty much any standard mpeg 4 instances would not work, h.264 and mp4v for video, and mp4a for audio. As we'd determined above, mp4a decoding didn't work, so it wasn't much of a surprise there. Switching to mp3 audio would result in a file that only had audio.

I did a bit of further research, and saw that avi/divx worked quite well. I'll go ahead and test out every feasible option for you, and give you a little chart of what worked.
The fullscreen button is now part of the video window, not the primary controller. About mpga and AAC, I need to further look at those.
Sorry, I meant mp4a, not mpga (in my case, in an MPEG4 wrapper). The error that comes up while encoding to mp4a is

Code: Select all

main: cannot add this stream main: cannot create packetizer output (mpga)
I suppose that is why I had that brief mix-up. mpga works as expected. Furthermore, thanks, I'd discovered the newly placed fullscreen button, and it's in a far better position than before! Excellent work. :)


Postby Flippin360 » 05 Apr 2006 07:25

Hi The DJ, great work so far and the only thing I thought was missing is now added (aspect ratio). I have an idea for a feature which can be quite useful for playing videos over a shared network. When I use smb shares from my windows machine and play videos in VLC over Wifi, sometimes the video slows down (especially HD videos) so I was thinking if you can enable an option to cache (load extra 5-10 seconds of video in advance) to prevent it from slowing down. I don't know if this feature is already there or if its easy to add but it would be a great addition. Thanks, and keep up the good work! :)

Blank Cone
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Postby SpacePirate » 05 Apr 2006 08:33

These are my early tests, I'll add the rest and clean the format up a bit in the morning. I also plan to redo raw. These were conducted with this file (mov:XViD/mpga), with 384kbps video output, 128/2 audio output, for speed's sake. Audio and video were converted separately.

Code: Select all

MPEG 4 Encapsulation - mp1v, mp2v, div1, div2, div3, wmv1, wmv2, theo fail silently - mp4v, mjpg converts successfully - h.263, h.264 fails explicitly - mpga, mp3 convert successfully - mp4a converts, silent in VLC, fail QT, success mplayer - a52, vorb, spx fail silently - flac fails explicitly x2 Quicktime Encapsulation - mp1v, mp2v, div1, div2, div3, wmv1, wmv2, theo fail silently - h.264, h.264 fails explicitly - mp4v, mjpg converts successfully - mp3 converts successfully - mp4a converts successfully, plays in Quicktime/mplayer - flac fails explicitly - mpga, a52, vorb, spx fail silently
I'm guessing the silent fails are from when the codec is not supported by the wrapper, but I can't say for sure. Furthermore, some of these did not work directly from avi encapuslation, but did when resaved as .mov in quicktime. Again, I'll play around more later.

~ SP

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Missing Panels in Preferences

Postby thr » 06 Apr 2006 14:40

In the latest Intel nightlies there are some panels in preferences which are not accessible. See picture.


The DJ
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Postby The DJ » 06 Apr 2006 16:17

In the latest Intel nightlies there are some panels in preferences which are not accessible. See picture.
That should be fixed since yesterday i believe.....
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Postby thr » 07 Apr 2006 09:21

In the latest Intel nightlies there are some panels in preferences which are not accessible. See picture.
That should be fixed since yesterday i believe.....
It is indeed fixed in the latest nightly. Thanks.


Postby Benj » 07 Apr 2006 14:38


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Running VLC (Intel) from a command line

Postby Zuul » 07 Apr 2006 21:08

Is there any reason this would be different than the PPC version? I don't seem to be able to make it work.




Postby maad » 08 Apr 2006 18:47


I'm not sure if this is a known issue or not since people seem to be busy worrying about other issues. For the majority of the nightlies that I have downloaded in the last several weeks ( i test them every few days ), none of my h.264 or "mpeg4" videos have had audio playback. I get h264/mpeg4 videos from a number of sources including my own encodes done with iSquint, none of which have had audio in the last couple weeks of nightly builds.

My test subjects for yesterday's (april 7th -- trunk-intel-20060407-0123.dmg) build are freely available: ... (h264) ... tv.050.mp4 (mpeg4)

Both play correctly in Quicktime.

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Re: audio

Postby dionoea » 08 Apr 2006 19:32

I'm not sure if this is a known issue or not since people seem to be busy worrying about other issues. For the majority of the nightlies that I have downloaded in the last several weeks ( i test them every few days ), none of my h.264 or "mpeg4" videos have had audio playback. I get h264/mpeg4 videos from a number of sources including my own encodes done with iSquint, none of which have had audio in the last couple weeks of nightly builds.
I guess that these use mpeg 4 audio which is currently broken in the developement versions ... we need to fix it :)
Antoine Cellerier
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