Romanian translation has changed its maintainer

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Romanian translation has changed its maintainer

Postby secarica » 18 Jan 2007 13:52

With the explicit acceptance from the previous translator / maintainer for the Romanian translation for VideoLAN, Circo Radu, the current maintainer for it is now myself, Cristian Secară.

Please change the contact information on the VideoLAN internationalization page, with my name and this e-mail address cristi AT secarica DOT ro

From the previous experience with the translation of Sylpheed e-mail client and Opera browser, I expect the translation to be finished in 2-3 months, with further 2-3 months for testing.

I will post here the significant update status. My only question now is what to do with the .po translation source file, once I have some work done and/or later some test / prefinal / final versions.


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Re: Romanian translation has changed its maintainer

Postby Pixecs » 26 Aug 2007 14:55

Why when i switched from romanian to english i still have romanian text mixed with english?

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Re: Romanian translation has changed its maintainer

Postby secarica » 26 Aug 2007 15:22

Yes, because the translation is not yet complete. Although normally I am actively working on it, during this summer period (July & August) I have been away from my computer for everything but e-mail and perhaps some forums.
Further translation results will be available later in September, either on my site here, or included in the VLC package (for the later, some delay is to be expected).

(note: unfortunately, I could not keep what I have promised in my first post above, i.e. the translation will take longer than expected, for various reasons)

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Re: Romanian translation has changed its maintainer

Postby funman » 26 Sep 2007 19:15

About translated .po files you should send them to xtophe at videolan d0t org
He does maintain the different translations change (obviously he doesn't translate himself to the 49 languages) :)

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Re: Romanian translation has changed its maintainer

Postby secarica » 26 Sep 2007 22:44

Hm? I already have done that in the past. I don't seem to remember asking here about this...

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Re: Romanian translation has changed its maintainer

Postby funman » 27 Sep 2007 17:54

sorry I was answering to the first post, I didn't notice it was very old ;)

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Re: Romanian translation has changed its maintainer

Postby mE2 » 25 Dec 2007 21:05

MAN , omule , ce e asta , nu vreau sa zic ca nu ai facut tot posibilul ( sincer nu cred ) , nu stiu ce ai facut , dar eu nu pot sa fac nimik cu alea , anumite sectiuni sunt total invizibile (trebuie sa descarc un pach sa le vad pe alea/platesc vro taxa????) , miau facut niste nerviiii...mai incearca

Blank Cone
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Re: Romanian translation has changed its maintainer

Postby secarica » 25 Dec 2007 22:03

MAN , omule , ce e asta , nu vreau sa zic ca nu ai facut tot posibilul ( sincer nu cred ) , nu stiu ce ai facut , dar eu nu pot sa fac nimik cu alea , anumite sectiuni sunt total invizibile [...]
[RO] Problema nu este de la traducerea mea, este un bug al versiunii 0.8.6d – vezi acest topic. Traducerea în limba română distribuită cu versiunea 0.8.6d nici măcar nu este o versiune actualizată, deşi le-am trimis la timp o versiune recentă.
Până când bugul va fi eventual rezolvat (?), ori comuţi limba interfeţei în engelză, ori înlocuieşti fişierul libwxwidgets_plugin.dll cu cel de la versiunea 0.8.6c (dacă nu îl mai ai îl poţi lua de aici) (calea implicită pentru acest fişier este C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\plugins\).

[EN] The problem does not belong to my translation, it is a bug in version 0.8.6d – see this topic. The Romanian translation distributed with version 0.8.6d is not even an updated version, inspite of the fact that I have send them in time a recent version.
Until the bug will eventually be fixed (?), you have to switch the interface language to English, or replace the file libwxwidgets_plugin.dll with the one from version 0.8.6c (if you no longer have it, you can take it from here) (default path for this file is C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\plugins\).

... I think it's too hard to think

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