Just a few days a go my computer was running fine. Until i install a ASUS A9550. everything else in the computer is working. Games runs smoothly, except for Second sight. VLC media player began to run slow. Movies were running but it was kind of Choppy. Need help!
I'll keep trying to fix it.
Given that you want to continue this post without giving the proper information. I assumed the the card in question was an nVida chipset but instead it is a Radeon 9550 SE of which I had to go search for. Also given that your problem started with the install of this card it would be logical to assume that:
1. the drivers are not 100% compatible with the version of DirectX you are running
2. or the drivers need updating.
3. I suppose it is also possible that the old card was not uninstalled properly, but if you uninstalled the drivers before removing the card from your computer, everything should be fine.
The version of DirectX should be 9c and the last runtime update was in Feb 06 and is not automatic. I would start with DirectX and then move to the drivers.
If you want to prove this for yourself try opening VLC Settings, Preferences, Video, Output Modules and using the pull down to select "Windows GDI video output". Then save, restart VLC and try to call a file.