Play next media inside the same folder

Feature requests for VLC.
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Play next media inside the same folder

Postby mono_demon » 19 Oct 2010 10:49

ive been testing vlc for several weeks, and i think it is such a great multimedia player without having to install any codec pack.

however, the playlist feature for vlc is abit fretful as lets say, if i select the player to open file a1.avi, when done, it doesnt automatically play the next file in the folder, which lets say the name is a2.avi.

so, fine, i tried to add manually using the add folder option but it sort out as a1.avi, a11.avi, .... a19.avi, and suddenly a2.avi,...

i am very agree with this suggestion, which point out:
Short: The player open file xyz1.avi. When done and at the end of the playlist, it autmatically open the next file in the folder (by filename) e.g. xyz2.avi

Explanation: If enabled, the player opens the next file in the folder automatically, when i.e. only the first CD of a movie was launched without putting CD2 into the playlist. This way, VLC would open CD2 after the first file was played, even though it was not in the queue. Of course, you will have to enable this feature first. This is even more usefull when u are watching a whole lot of series and decide to watch only two episodes at first. Although you already fell half asleep you want to watch one more episode before you close your eyes for good. But now you have to stand up and walk to your PC. Bad!! With this feature, VLC would open the next episode by itself. I have used Zoomplayer before, and it was a realy great feature, even though it sounds a bit strange. Once appreciated you wouldn't want to miss it!
so, would vlc going to develop this suggestion?
sorry for the long post, but i hope u got what im trying to point out.. :)

Jean-Baptiste Kempf
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Re: Play next media inside the same folder

Postby Jean-Baptiste Kempf » 20 Oct 2010 15:49

Code an extension for it.
Jean-Baptiste Kempf -
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