Monkey's Audio Source Code License Agreement
License Agreement
1. The Monkey's Audio SDK and source code can be freely used to add APE format playback, encoding, or tagging support to any product, free or commercial. Use of the code for proprietary efforts that don't support the official APE format require written consent of the author.
2. Monkey's Audio source can be included in GPL and open-source software, although Monkey's Audio itself will not be subjected to external licensing requirements or other viral source restrictions.
3. Code changes and improvements must be contributed back to the Monkey's Audio project free from restrictions or royalties for the sake of the common good, unless exempted by express written consent of the author.
4. Any source code, ideas, or libraries used must be plainly acknowledged in the software using the code.
5. Although the software has been tested thoroughly, the author is in no way responsible for damages due to bugs or misuse.
6. If you do not completely agree with all of the previous stipulations, you must cease using this source code and remove it from your storage device.
This is not GPL compatible. This has been discussed over and over... Here and on the Monkey's Audio Forum, or on wikipedia.Use of the code for proprietary efforts that don't support the official APE format require written consent of the author.
Some links:Details
This patch implements a Monkey's Audio (.ape files) decoder for Rockbox.
The decoder itself (libdemac) was written from scratch by me and is licensed under the GNU GPL. The exception is the majority of rangecoding.h, which is (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Michael Schindler and is also licensed under the GPL. See that source file for full details.
The decoder only handles modern variants (v3.97 and later) of Monkey's Audio (the format has gone through lots of incompatible changes during its life).
Is this still true?Only nightly build can read APE.
Unfortunately, I have no luck with my .ape music.No, .ape is supported since a long time now.
Thank you for your help.Open Tools -> Messages (set Verbosity to 2), and then try. The message dialog will complain.
Sorry, the full debug log:No debug or error messages before those?
Code: Select all
main debug: control type=1
main debug: Stream buffering done (0 ms in 0 ms)
main debug: Decoder buffering done in 0 ms
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
main warning: PTS is out of range (3744904285), dropping buffer
main warning: PTS is out of range (3744811406), dropping buffer
Code: Select all
main debug: waiting decoder fifos to empty
Unfortunately I have no idea how split .ape, so I shared the file in original sizeIs there some short sample file you could share to us?
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